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Writer's pictureSchuyler Windham

What is the Libertarian Party? What do Libertarians believe in? Should I vote for a Libertarian in this election?

The Libertarian Party is the official third-party and the fastest growing political party in Nebraska. In the previous article in this series, we explored what the non-aggression and self-defense principles were along with the general virtues and beliefs of libertarianism both politically and philosophically. The truth is Libertarians come in all stars and stripes from identifying as classical liberal to moderate Constitutional to minarchist and even anarchist.

You don’t have to be 100% with us on every platform plank to be considered a Libertarian voter, just like with the other parties. We hope that if you line up pretty well with our platform that you are welcome to become a supporter of our party and candidates! The following chart is a general guideline on Libertarian positions, however as with any political party, individual Libertarians may differ on some issues. Our candidates are dedicated to incremental policy change and must navigate those challenges with their right of conscience.

At the local and state level, we've identified three main buckets of areas we wish to highlight in Nebraska. How many of these policy principles do you agree with?

STRONG FAMILIES & COMMUNITIES: All Nebraskans deserve to live the good life

  • Libertarians want our local businesses to flourish and innovate. We fight against corporate special interest legislation which harms small businesses.

  • We believe in you -- that you know what is best for your life and family. We advocate that all Nebraska families have access to quality education, housing, and healthcare through free markets without burdensome taxation. We as free market forces hold businesses and each other accountable.

CIVIL RIGHTS & PERSONAL FREEDOM: Liberty creates prosperity

  • Libertarians hold government at all levels accountable. The U.S. & Nebraska Constitutions protect our individual liberties from government intrusion. Government should preserve self-ownership and property rights for a peaceful and just society.

  • We may disagree on how we can best live our lives, but we don't think any person or group should impose their worldview on another, instead fostering a free market of ideas and civil discourse. Everyone can change their heart and mind about anything.

PUBLIC SAFETY & JUSTICE - Liberty & Justice for all

  • We are our own first line of defense, so Libertarians encourage people who are ready to acquire and train with firearms. Every person deserves the chance to preserve their life if threatened.

  • Libertarians believe in the decriminalization of victimless offenses and that compassionate private charity can better help people in need than a bloated prison system or welfare policies. We denounce police brutality and overenforcement.

Should you vote for the Libertarian candidate? We believe you should vote with your conscience and support the candidate who aligns with what you want and would move us in the right direction. We believe you should have options to choose from and that your vote matters. If people are fearmongering that your vote is wasted or that it spoils the election for other candidates when you vote for a Libertarian, you know they are afraid that your vote will make a difference. If enough people have the will for change, there's nothing the elite-owned parties can do about it.

We hope you advocate with us for liberty! Fill out the form on this page to sign up for our newsletter and let us know if you want to become a volunteer and help our candidates win!

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